Post Proposal
“No!”, I screamed, as I came into the real world,
from the horrible planet of dreams, the latest one most absurd.
And as I fought my way into the latter, wondering,
an eerie hospital room welcomed me pondering.
I tried to gather the strands of a faint memory,
uniting them I would know about the misery.
It all started coming to my mind, slowly,
yet I could see that accident very clearly.
On the night both of us were homeward bound,
discussing cheeringly about our plans around,
all of a sudden I heard a loud horn and BANG!
The last thing I saw, her face touching the barren land.
I strained hard for the next clip, but it didn’t occur.
I had to make sure she was in her best order.
The doctor appeared at the threshold.
Now was the time to hear the stories untold.
I had been there since a couple of months and more,
lying motionless like a dead seal ashore.
As I heard the rest of the story, I was shattered.
I felt as if my body was ripped, battered.
The disaster had taken its toll on her,
reality was worse than even my worst fear.
The accident had deprived her of the only thing
that connected us. Her memory. It was heartbreaking.
Now I wander through the streets, with hope
to see her, feel her around me. But no,
God had different plans; the ones with me
getting to see her in but my dreams.
Destiny had played, and played badly
intervening just when all was going smoothly.
I decided to end this life, but before that
I had to take one glimpse of her, just one last.
Who knows may be that glimpse might
be all but enough to live for a lifetime.
For the first time in many days, I thanked god,
as I spotted her, silhoutted against the morning fog.
She waved smiling at me,”Thank God.” I said.
“For this moment.” The morning walk had eventually paid.
She started closing in, but something was wrong.
As I began to speak, now that the desire was strong,
my only reason for living passed by me;
as if I were some ghost, she totally ignored me.
It was not till then that I came to know,
The worst was out of the bag, a heart piercing blow.
She never waved or smiled at me, it was that guy,
the one exactly behind me. I frowned at the sight.
My eyes closed, watching them in an embrace.
Tears did but support the expression on my face.
“Cruel fate!” I thought as I took one last glimpse.
The one that was going to be my eternal bliss.
I told myself, afterall love is all about sacrifice.
Whether you do it deliberately or not, its nice.
The inner wounds were of the kind that wouldn’t heal.
I pinched myself just in time to find all was real.
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